
第四部分:. adsv - 402 p
批准人:博士. Ivan Harrell, 19年6月25日


澳门威尼斯人在线赌场(TCC)在一个多元化、公平和富有创造力的环境中运作 股本.

书院已委任人力资源执行总监为书院的 道德顾问.

To give the highest public service to Washington’s citizens, college employees are 有义务将他们的职位视为公共信托,使用他们的官方权力和 duties 和 the resources of the college to advance the public interest. RCW 42.52, 华盛顿州公共服务伦理法为所有州制定了道德标准 employees, which the term “employee” is used in this document to include officers 和 employees, including student 和 non-student temporary employees 和 the Board 受托人的.

Employees must observe the highest st和ards of ethical conduct. 每个员工都是 expected to place the College’s best interest above their own self-interest in all 教育,商业和其他事项和决定,如果有任何实际或 potential conflict or appearance of a conflict.

《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》鼓励雇员参加提供的道德培训 by the Executive Ethics Board at least once every 36 months. 培训是不同的 e选项,.g. 在线和现场培训. Therefore TCC requires college employees 参加由行政操守委员会举办的培训,每36个月最少一次. 人力资源部门负责确保每位员工都收到这封信 培训.

所有员工都有责任了解并遵守《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》(42).52) 和法规(WAC 292-110).

The following are prohibited actions:

  1. 有金融或其他方面的兴趣,或从事商业或专业活动 that is in conflict with official duties.
  2. 利用他们的官职为自己或他人争取特权 人.
  3. 接受除国家以外的任何来源的表演或延迟补偿 执行任何公务.
  4. Accept any gifts not allowed under RCW 42.52.150, 和 with a value of more than $50.
  5. 向未经授权的人披露机密信息或使用机密信息 为利益或为他人利益.
  6. Use state resources for 人al benefit or to benefit another, except as required during the performance of official duties.
  7. Use state resources for political campaigns or lobbying.
  8. Assist another 人 in a transaction involving the state if they participated in that transaction or the transaction was part of their job responsibilities within 过去两(2)年内,但因执行公务需要的除外. It is the responsibility of employees who suspect fraud, waste or abuse, to report this to the College’s 道德顾问, or the State Auditors’ Office (SAO) hotline. In order to make any gift analysis uncomplicated, TCC has designated all employees 作为第4条雇员. In the statute, “Section 4” employees are those who participate in regulation or acquisition of goods or services. Gifts in the form of food 和 beverage 单次超过五十元的,按本章规定申报 42.17A RCW.

员工可以在前任主管的指导下偶尔个人使用国家资源 如果批准:

  1. there is little or no cost to the state;
  2. 任何使用都是短暂的;
  3. 不经常使用;
  4. The use does not interfere with the performance of the employee’s official duties;
  5. 使用不损害国家财产、信息的安全或完整性 系统或软件;
  6. 该用途并非用于开展外部业务,以促进 private employment, or to realize a private financial gain; 和
  7. 这种用法不是为了支持、促进或征求外界的兴趣 组织或团体.


  1. No employee may receive honoraria unless specifically authorized.
  2. The college may not permit honoraria under the following circumstances:
    1. 提供酬金的人正在寻求或被合理地期望寻求合同 与州政府官员或州政府雇员的雇主有关系或得到雇主的资助; 该官员或雇员处于参与条款或奖励的位置 合同或赠与的;
    2. 提供酬金的人由国家官员的雇主规定 或国家雇员和官员或雇员在一个位置上参与 regulation; or
    3. 提供酬金的人(i)正在寻求或反对或有合理的可能性 to seek or oppose enactment of legislation or adoption of administrative rules or actions, or policy changes by the state officer's or state employee's agency; 和 (ii) the officer or employee may participate in the enactment or adoption

Communications from an employee organization or charitable organization RCW 42.52.560-按员工分配:

  1. 本章没有任何规定禁止雇员从 职工组织或者慈善组织向其他职工进行的沟通 do not support or oppose a ballot proposition or c和idate for federal, state, or 当地公职人员. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize any lobbying activity with public funds beyond the activity permitted by RCW 42.17A.635.
  2. “雇员组织”,就本条而言,是指任何组织、工会、 或雇员参与的协会,以集体为目的而存在 bargaining with employers or for the purpose of opposing collective bargaining or 工会证书.


根据WAC 292-110-060规定,州政府雇员在入职前必须获得道德委员会的批准 获得利益的进入或获得与国家机构签订的合同或赠款的利益的 只有在授予合同或拨款的过程不是公开和竞争性的情况下, or, whenever only one bid or application was received.


  1. 原职工自终止聘用之日起一年内不得离职 state employment, accept employment or receive compensation from an employer if:
    1. 在国家雇佣终止前的两年内, was engaged in the negotiation or administration on behalf of the state or agency 与该雇主签订了一份或多份合同,并有权酌情作出决定 影响这种谈判结果或这种行政管理性质的决定;
    2. Such a contract or 合同 have a total value of more than ten thous和 dollars; 和
    3. (二)受聘人对雇主的义务或者获得报酬的活动 是否包括全部或部分履行或执行这些规定 这样的一个或多个合同的,或包括对所采取行动的监督或控制 to fulfill or implement, in whole or in part, the provisions of such a contract or 合同. This subsection shall not be construed to prohibit a state officer or state employee from accepting employment with a state employee organization.
  2. 曾担任雇员的人,在其后的两年内不得 the termination of state employment, have a direct or indirect beneficial interest 由特定立法机构明确授权或资助的合同或赠款 or executive action in which the former state employee participated.
  3. No former employee may accept an offer of employment or receive compensation from 如果雇员知道或有理由相信雇主提供的就业机会 或补偿的目的,全部或部分,直接或间接地影响 the employee or as compensation or reward for the performance or nonperformance of a duty by the officer or employee during the course of state employment.
  4. No former employee may accept an offer of employment or receive compensation from 如果情况会使一个理性的人相信雇主的提议 是否为了影响业绩而作出或给予补偿 or nonperformance of duties by the employee during the course of state employment.
  5. 前雇员在其离职后的任何时间不得提供国家就业援助 another 人, whether or not for compensation, in any transaction involving the 前国家雇员在任何时候参与国家就业的国家. 本款不得解释为禁止任何州的雇员或官员 雇员组织不得向州官员或州雇员提供协助 in the course of employee organization business.
  6. As used in this section, "employer" means a 人 as defined in RCW 42.52.010 or any other entity or business that the 人 owns or in which the 人 has a 控股权. For purposes of subsection (1) of this section, the term "employer" 不包括农村发展委员会的后续组织 43.31 RCW.


本政策的目的是提供有关员工责任的指导和信息 因为它涉及道德行为和遵守国家道德规范的要求 法律(42.52)和法规(WAC 292-110). The provisions of this policy are not intended to supersede any rights provided for, or provide any rights not otherwise provided 因为,根据法律.


This policy applies to all employees of Tacoma Community College.


College Administrative 政策 - 就业 Categories RCW 42.52, wa292 -110




