Guidelines for Policies and Procedures

Section: I. CADM-130
Approved By: Dr. Ivan Harrell, 6/7/19
Last Review: 5/14/19
Last Revision: 2/13/18
Prior Revisions: 5/25/11, 2/10/12
Initial Adoption: 12/17/03


每一项行政政策应尽可能符合结构 outlined in this policy guideline. Where possible, each policy shall include the following sections of information:

TITLE: The title or name of the policy.

SECTION: 在《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》中,政策应包含并被识别的部分 using the following nomenclature: 

Four Divisions:

  1. College Administration                   CADM
  2. Instruction                                         INST
  3. Student Services                              STSV
  4. Administrative Services                  ADSV


Instruction will include Library and eLearning Policies

负责政策的部门将由罗马数字标识,后面跟着 4-letter abbreviation.  Example – Administrative Services policy:  IV. ADSV

Within each division 9 subsections exist.  Departments/areas within the division   是否会分配一个包含99个政策占位符的子部分.        

Example below:

Division:         Administrative Services

Subsection    General Admin. Services policies Policy #’s:      100 – 199

人力资源                                                        200 - 299

业务办公室                                                             300 - 399

信息服务                                                      400 - 499

Example of an HR policy:  IV. ADSV-204 – Appointment (Exempt) Authority

INITIAL ADOPTION DATE: 关于策略主题的第一个策略语言获得批准的初始日期 and adopted by the College.

先前修订日期:政策修订获得批准的先前日期 adopted by the College.

最近修订日期:最近的批准和采用的政策修订日期. 这应表明当前有效的政策语言的日期.

最近审查日期:政策被审查的最近日期,没有修改 approved or adopted to the policy.

PRESIDENT’S AUTHORIZATION:  校长签名的地方,作为对学院的授权和批准 to adopt the policy.

目的:本节应简要回顾该法案的基本原理或目的 policy to be implemented. 本节还可以提供背景摘要 a context within which the policy was developed.

本政策适用何人:本节应指明本政策适用何人 to; that is, students, employees, members of the public, or others, and their status 全职、兼职、临时、季度、常驻、志愿者等.

参考资料:本节应包括所有支持或支持以下内容的适用参考资料 与政策直接相关,包括rcw, WACs,行政命令,跨部门 Guidelines, Grant Requirements, etc. If there are no applicable references, the policy shall indicate “None”.

定义:本节应定义整个保单中使用的所有相关术语 as defined for the purposes of the policy. If there are no definitions, the policy shall indicate “None”.

POLICY: 本节应确定学院将采用的原则和标准 conduct its affairs.

程序:本节应确定行动过程或既定方法 为开展与业务有关的政策原则和准则. If there 如保单中不包括任何程序,则保险单应注明“无”。 或者可以链接到位于其他地方的过程的适当位置. Not 所有程序都必须在保单内. Procedures may be located elsewhere, such as on a department intranet page. For example, the procedure for filing 歧视投诉可能是政策的一部分,但这是一种安排程序 the use of a facility on campus may not.

如果某一章节不适用,保险单应包括章节标题 and indicate “Not Applicable”. Nothing in this policy prevents additional sections 在需要的地方增加,以协助更完整的政策沟通 information.

一项政策在总统签署时即被视为批准实施 the policy. 

A policy becomes effective upon approval by the President. Policy language may include 追溯或预计生效日期,由总统酌情决定.


这些准则旨在为该结构提供框架和帮助 和发展,以及获得批准的程序,所有学院 administrative policies. 一个共同的框架和结构的目的是协助 组织管理政策,提供更完整的政策沟通 information.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

本指引适用于所有获授权及负责制订 制定和/或建议政策语言,以供总统审查和批准.


TCC Board of Trustees Policy Manual


Policy -指导原则和指定的标准,学院将根据这些原则进行其工作 affairs.

Procedure – a course of action; a set of established methods for carrying out business related to the policy principles and criteria.


  1. 负责起草政策语言的管理员或其他人员将准备 a draft policy for review by the President. Supporting documentation or other references may be attached as background to the policy.
  2. The draft policy is submitted to the President.
  3. 总统可指示行政长官或其他负责政策草案的人员 通过适当的治理过程来引导策略.
  4. 意见和反馈已纳入政策草案.
  5. 总统决定批准或不批准政策. If approved, the President signs the policy.
  6. 签署的保险单正本将存放在总裁办公室或其他地方 to be determined by the President. A copy of the signed policy will be forwarded to 发起部门可包括其他部门,但由总统酌情决定 as well.
  7. 每一项新政策或政策修订都会传达给委员会的相关成员 校园社区以适当的方式和符合校园的方式进行 communication. 政策信息或修订的沟通是责任 负责执行该政策的校园管理员.
  8. 该政策也将被添加到电子学院管理手册 access by the College community. Maintenance of the policies included in the College 行政手册由副总裁负责,他的报告是 responsible for administering the policy or policies.