病假 and 病假 Cashout

第四部分:. adsv - 370
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11
Initial Adoption: Unknown



Exempt employees shall accrue sick leave with full compensation as defined below.

  1. 在每个任用期开始时,每个全职正式豁免雇员 shall be granted one (1) day of sick leave for each month of his/her appointment, commencing with the first month of employment.
  2. Temporary exempt employees on appointment for more than 6 months shall accrue sick 全职聘用开始的每个月,每月休假一天 with the first month of appointment. Temporary exempt employees on less than 6 month 除临时任用外,任用人员不具备病假的资格 exceeds 6 months, sick leave shall accrue beginning with the 7thmonth and be credited retroactively for the first 6 months.
  3. Employees on less than full-time appointments, and who are eligible to accrue sick 病假应按比例计算,与员工的病假成比例 FTE.
  4. 符合条件的员工可在每月工作完成后获得病假 employee is in pay status for 10 or more 天 in the month.
  5. Sick leave is available for use only after it is earned; sick leave may not be used in advance of its accrual.
  6. Unused sick leave may be accumulated up to the maximum allowable by statute.
  7. The maximum number of working 天 an exempt employee may be absent on 账户 of 没有医疗证明的疾病、受伤或残疾是连续十(10)次 天. An employee absent for longer than ten (10) consecutive 天 is required to 提供医疗证明,说明缺勤和出院的原因 the employee to return to work. Upon request by the employee’s supervisor, the employee may be required to submit medical documentation for absences of any duration.

Attendance Incentive Program – 病假 Cashout

Pursuant to the authority granted by Chapter 150, Laws of 1979, 1st Extraordinary Session, Laws of 1980 and RCW 41.04.340, the Board of the College District, shall 制定出勤奖励计划(以下简称“出勤奖励计划”)的实施细则 “病假 Cashout”) for exempt employees.

A. 合格的员工

有资格参加病假提现计划的员工 有权累计请病假且病假准确的员工免休 leave records are maintained.

B. 病假账户

  1. 补偿帐户-所有可补偿的病假记入帐户. 全职豁免员工应按规定在可补偿的基础上累积病假 按学院规定请病假,但病假不超过1天 leave for each appointment month during which she/he is in pay status for at least 一个月十(10)天.
  2. 辅助账户-所有非补偿性病假的账户 by an exempt employee prior to June 12, 1980 are credited.

C. Previously Accrued 病假

A full-time exempt employee who accrues sick leave after June 12, 1980 shall have such leave divided between her/his compensation and auxiliary 账户s, so that:

  1. 每月不超过(1)天的累计病假应记入 compensation 账户 for each year of services; and
  2. 每工作一年,每月累计超过1天的病假天数 shall be credited to the auxiliary 账户.

D. 应计病假的使用

获得豁免的员工应扣除在日历年内使用的所有病假天数 from her/his compensation 账户. When the employee's entire compensation 账户 是否已耗尽,额外的病假天数应从辅助人员中扣除 账户.

获豁免雇员补偿中最近累积的病假天数 账户(last-in)是指从员工薪酬中扣除的第一天 账户.

E. Compensation For Unused 病假

An exempt employee shall receive monetary compensation for sick leave as follows:

  1. 每年1月,不得在任何其他时间,有一名年终生病的免职员工 补偿账户中的休假余额超过六十(60)天可选择转换 上一历年累计未用的病假天数 during the year to monetary compensation. The number of 天 converted may not exceed one (1) day per month as defined in B.1.以上.
  2. 没有病假天数可以转换为减少日历的补偿 年终结余在薪酬账户内低于六十(60)天,因故除外 of separation due to retirement or death.
  3. 换算后的天数的货币补偿按一(1)个全天计算 pay for every four (4) 天 converted. The amount of the employee's full day's pay shall be based on the employee's per diem salary at the time of conversion.
  4. 所有转换的天数将从员工补偿账户余额中扣除.
  5. 于1979年9月1日或之后离开学院的豁免雇员 退休或死亡的,未用完的可补休病假,发给补休 每转换四(4)天,按一(1)个全日工资的比率累积. Compensation shall be based upon the employee's salary at the time of separation.

就本款而言,退休不包括“退休”。 employees who leave funds on deposit with the retirement system.

F. 除外责任

  1. 未休病假的补偿金不计入退休计算 allowance; therefore, no contributions are to be made to the retirement system for such payments, nor shall such payments be reported as compensation.
  2. 因除退休以外的任何原因离开学院的豁免雇员 or death is excluded from compensation for accrued sick leave.


The purpose of this policy is to define and establish the terms and conditions for 有资格请病假,病假的累积和使用,年现金超额 sick leave, and cash out of sick leave upon retirement or death.

To Whom Does This 政策 Apply

This policy applies to all exempt employees. This policy does not apply to academic employees, classified employees, part-time temporary employees, or volunteers.


RCW 28 b.553 Attendance Incentive Program

RCW 28 b.551 Leave Provisions Generally


病假 -在下列情况下可获准带薪休假:1)雇员因病请假 或雇员的直系亲属或家庭成员受伤 requiring the care and attendance of the employee; 2) by reason of exposure to a contagious disease during the period that attendance would jeopardize the health of others; 3) 员工或直系亲属的医疗、牙科或护理预约 member where the employee’s presence is required; 4) making arrangement for the interment 或火化已故的直系亲属或家庭成员,或最后的仪式,其中 the employee’s assistance is required; 5) bereavement for the death of an immediate family or household member; or 6) emergencies.

家庭成员 – a person who resides in the same home as the employee who has reciprocal duties to and provides financial support for one another. This term does not include persons 当生活方式以室友为主时,住在同一所普通房子里; or a dormitory or commune.

直系亲属 -子女(包括继子女、养子或法定受养人)、配偶或家庭伴侣; 母亲,父亲,兄弟,姐妹,祖母,祖父,婆婆,岳父, or other persons approved by the President of the College.

紧急 —未计划、未预见、不可预测的事件,需要立即行动 attention of the employee and which causes the employee to be absent.

See College 政策 - 定义


员工请病假应填写表格,并在表格中填写 a manner as prescribed by the College.  The employee is required to request and submit 请病假使用TLS(时间和休假系统)电子系统访问 从TCC门户.

任何选择将未使用的病假天数转换为补偿的豁免员工 / E.1 of the Attendance Incentive Program 以上 must submit a written request for 不迟于1月最后一个工作日转至人力资源办公室 第二年的情况.