Use of College Vehicles

Section: 91-108
Approved By: unknown
Last Review: unknown
Last Revision: unknown
Prior Revisions: unknown
Initial Adoption: unknown


学院有两辆车可用于接送学生、教师、 or staff for college supported activities.  The bus is capable of transporting 25 乘客,加上司机,货车可容纳14名乘客,加上司机.  College 车辆将由合资格的司机驾驶,司机必须遵守以下规定 procedures.



巴士和面包车由学生活动基金购买,主要用于支持 student non-curricular activities.  Priorities for use of the bus and maxivan are established as follows:

  1. Student non-curricular activities
  2. Educational support activities
  3. Other activities

以上列出的优先级列表并不排除各个小组的责任 或个人提前计划和保留车辆,以防止不必要的 inconveniences.  需要至少提前一周预订.  No request 是否会在实际使用前一周内更换优先级更高的 vehicle.

如果有更高优先级的预订,将通知部门请求者 precedence over an original request.


  1. 所有司机必须持有华盛顿州的有效驾照.
  2. 司机将拥有一个“中级”背书在他们的驾驶执照之前 被允许经营26名乘客的巴士.  An "intermediate" endorsement is not required to operate the maxivan.
  3. 所有的司机都将接受来自
  4. James Grimsey (Building 25, 5330) or
  5. David Klemetsrud (Building 25, 5207)

资格将需要由其中一个在此资格表格上背书 two persons.  (See Appendix A).  请致电5172或5207预约 in the use of the vehicles.


  1. 车辆将通过设施总监预订.  The Director of Facilities 可致电办公室临时预约(电话号码为5172)。.  A vehicle 必须填写预订行程表才能永久预订车辆.
  2. 车辆预订表格必须至少提前二十四(24)小时收到 to the desired departure day.  在此期限内未存档的表格可能会产生 in the loss of the reservation.
  3. 车辆包可在设施总监办公室领取,并将提供 车辆签收时,出发前.  Only qualified drives will be allowed 签收车辆,接收车辆数据包,并操作车辆.  Once a driver 被分配到车辆上,除非设施总监 是否由部门主管的代课司机亲自通知.  Absolutely 没有车辆将被释放到最后一刻,不合格的司机.
  4. 车辆包裹必须在正常办公时间内领取.  Departments using 车辆需要在周末前的办公时间来取包裹 and/or holiday on vehicle usage.  不能及时获取数据包可能导致 result in the loss of the vehicle reservation.  If call back of employee(s) on weekends 或者逢年过节是绝对要查包的,行政的 费用将由需要服务的单位或部门支付.
  5. 就预订而言,乘客要求至少为十五(15)人。 for the bus and six (6) for the maxivan.


The assigned driver is responsible for:

  1. 接受车辆培训,熟悉车辆的所有操作 vehicle.
  2. 在收到车辆包之前提供有效的许可证和许可证号码.
  3. 阅读所有说明并理解所有规章制度.
  4. 检查车辆是否安排在第二天,以确保符合规定 with paragraph 10 (listed on the next page).


  1. Checking the vehicle packet for:
  2. Keys
  3. Credit cards
  4. Accident forms
  5. En route information
  6. Obtaining a trash bag for each trip.  Trash bags will be available in the Director of Facilities Office.
  7. Inspecting the vehicle for:
  8. Tire condition
  9. Proper operation of lights
  10. Oil level
  11. Transmission fluid level
  12. Fuel quantity
  13. 车辆内外一般情况
  14. 确保车辆和乘客在旅途中的安全.
  15. 管制乘客的行为,以确保:
  16. No alcoholic beverages are consumed
  17. 车辆内部不会发生不必要的损坏
  18. 垃圾和垃圾远离座位和地板,放在垃圾袋里.
  19. 在旅行结束时维修车辆,但绝对不迟于中午 第二天,如果第二天没有安排旅行的话.  Servicing includes:
  20. Full gas tanks
  21. Full oil reservoir
  22. Full coolant reservoir
  23. Adequate windshield washer fluid
  24. Full transmission fluid levels
  25. 清洁车辆内部(包括地板、座椅和仪表板区域)
  26. 将垃圾放置在最近可用的废物容器中.
  27. 在将车辆归还给酒店之前,请填写车辆预订表格的所有部分 Director of Facilities Office.
  28. 将车辆包交还至1号楼设施主任办公室.  在正常工作时间后,数据包将通过 door slot at Building 1.  The packets must be returned prior to 1:00 P.M. on the day following the trip.

所有服务必须在返回前完成并在预订表上注明 of the packet.


  1. Oil changes
  2. Lubrication
  3. Cyclical maintenance of vehicle
  4. Repairs resulting from normal wear and tear

公共汽车和大型货车是用来运送运动队的贵重车辆 and for supporting college activities.  Abuse of any kind will shorten the service 并加速他们对学院的最终损失.  Buses and maxivans are very expensive and difficult to replace; therefore, these procedures must, and will, be enforced.  澳门威尼斯人在线赌场也想避免因乱扔垃圾而造成的尴尬 留在车内,对学院造成不利的形象.

继续滥用程序可能导致被指定人丧失驾驶特权 驱动器和可能丢失的部件被组织或部门反复使用 disregard their responsibilities.